Mental Illness in Teens: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Mental Illness in Teens: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

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Teen Depression is a severe condition that needs to be taken care of on an urgent basis. Somehow, when it starts happening in different age groups, it becomes even more concerning. The main factors that make it come to this point where it monitors all your moods, appetite, and sleep cycle is risky.

Teen Depression is a most common mental illness in teenagers in which your brain nodes and nerves get suppressed, and you feel a sense of burden on your mind. This kind of suppressing feeling controls your mood, hunger, sleep cycle, and feelings. 

It is alarming because it can take your mind to the epitome of feelings. It can be bad or good, or worse and manipulative. People in depression try to suicide or murder or do extreme things as their thinking capacity is unable to work.

It can occur at any time of your life, considering the fact that how and what kind of situation you are in. Teen depression is not something that can be overcome abruptly with willpower; it requires complete and proper treatment with a consultation.  However, teen depression can be treated with medications and proper counseling.


Mental Illness in Teens Causes

The exact causes of depression are unknown but there are many factors that control the existence of mental illness in teens. Here are a few of the following causes that play their role in teen depression and mental illness in teens.



Hormones play a role in depression and mental illness in teens as they tend to fluctuate with time in teenage especially. And many teens do not have the capacity to cope with it, and they may get depression out of it.


Inherited traits

Our brain remains in the learning phase while we are in our teenage. So it might be one of the reasons that teens learn from their parents or grandparents in an attempt to learn something new. This can lead to the build depression if parents or grandparents have it.


Negative thinking/learning

If teens are being provided with negative thoughts all the time. And if they are being controlled or encouraged to think about the negatives first, it can also bring in depression. Somehow, Teen depression builds after anxiety and nervousness. Negative learning can also be the cause of depression. 



Depression or mental illness can also take home in the human brain if they have witnessed severe trauma. The trauma that left them devastated or broken can turn itself into mental illness or depression.


Mental Illness in Teens Symptoms

There are many symptoms that can easily indicate depression and mental illness. However, here are some common signs of mental illness; if you see or observe any of these in your friends or family, remember it's time to talk to them.

  • Having the feeling of sadness

  • Getting upset or mad easily, even about little things.

  • Feeling like there's no hope or everything is bad.

  • Getting annoyed quickly.

  • Not enjoying things you used to like.

  • When you don't want to spend time with family or friends or have problems with them.

  • Feeling good about yourself.

  • Thinking you're worthless or always doing things wrong.

  • Always thinking about mistakes from the past and being very hard on yourself.

  • Being very scared of failing or needing a lot of encouragement.

  • Having a hard time thinking clearly, making choices, or remembering stuff.

  • Thinking that everything is bad now and it won't get better in the future.

  • Often thinking about death or wanting to hurt yourself.


Mental Illness in Teens Treatment

There are few advanced treatments for depression or mental illness in teens. It's not something that will be treated easily but also not something that would not be treated. It takes patience and consistency.


Psychotherapy (talk therapy)

However, Some good and healthy talk sessions can help a lot, along with medications. Talking sessions help in figuring out the root causes. Talking makes it clear why and what's bothering the concerned person and whether that can be a solvable problem. Although, This is how talking sessions can be a great way to treat depression patients. As there are not many medications in this process, making it a relatively basic and healthy option when it comes to treating depression.  



If it's not okay to bring talk sessions in and your condition requires total medication, then taking antidepressants would be the fine option. Although all antidepressants are FDA-safe it is a good practice to go for a proper check-up first before taking any medication.



This is really important to talk to your doctor before you start observing the symptoms. It is always a good habit to seek medical help if you are feeling down or depressed. You can also consult online doctor through our website.

About Author

Dr. Jawad is a practicing physician with extensive administrative experience, who has firsthand knowledge of running a medical practice and working in employed models. WoW Health aligns incentives for the healthcare ecosystem so all stakeholders benefit from transparent and direct relationship between patients and medical service providers.