Glycolic Acid Cream: Uses, Benefits and Side Effects

Glycolic Acid Cream: Uses, Benefits and Side Effects

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Every one of us is becoming obsessed with skin-care products day by day. Netizens are igniting our obsessions with flawless skin by presenting themselves as a paragon of beauty. Everything that our favorite beauty blogger is using, we want to grab our hand on that product immediately. If you are one such who is captivated by the allure of skin-care products, then this blog is for you.

Glycolic acid is an alpha-hydroxy acid (AHA) that is extracted from sugarcane. With its remarkable ability to improve skin texture and diminish fine lines and wrinkles, it is a go-to product if one is seeking a youthful and radiant complexion. Let’s look into the uses, benefits, and side effects of this substance.


Glycolic Acid cream Uses

AHA has a high penetrating power which makes it a useful substance that targets and treats numerous issues. Here are some of the common glycolic acid cream benefits:



Glycolic acid is an efficient, gentle exfoliator. It removes the top layer of the skin and reveals fresher, healthier skin underneath. The gentle exfoliation improves skin texture and makes your skin look smoother and more radiant. It is especially efficient when it comes to addressing rough and dull skin. 


Treats Acne

Clogged pores are common precursors to acne breakouts. The exfoliating properties of glycolic acid remove dead cells and other debris from the skin. By keeping the skin surface clear, it minimizes the risk that promotes acne. 

Glycolic acid fades away acne marks as it encourages the shedding of discolored skin cells and promotes the growth of new healthy cells. 


Fight Aging 

Collagen is a protein responsible for maintaining skin’s firmness, elasticity, and suppleness. With age, collagen production naturally decreases, which causes the skin to become saggy and leads to the development of fine lines and wrinkles. Glycolic acid encourages the production of collagen and can, therefore, counteract the signs of aging.


Reduce Hyperpigmentation

Issues like dark spots, sun damage, and melasma often result from an overproduction of melanin (the pigment responsible for coloration).  Glycolic acid promotes uniform distribution of melanin in the skin and helps in fading dark spots. 


Shrink Open Pores

Pores often appear because they might be blocked with oil and sebum. They can stretch and appear more prominent. Exfoliating properties of glycolic acid unclog these pores and allow them to return to their normal size. 


Brighten skin 

Exfoliation, boosting collagen, and minimizing the size of your pores can give your skin a healthier, brighter look. Further, regular use of glycolic acid cream promotes the production of new, healthy cells. The production of new cells also aids in the reduction of fine lines and wrinkles. It also reduces hyperpigmentation, which causes your skin to look much brighter. 


Glycolic Acid Cream Side Effect

While the cream offers numerous side effects, it is equally important to be aware of the potential side effects. Here are some common side effects that may come with its use. 


Skin Sensitivity

Glycolic acid cream can cause skin to become more sensitive. This means you have to frequently refresh your sunscreen after a few hours and have to be regular in its application in order to protect your skin from UV rays. 


Irritation and Redness

People who use glycolic acid may experience irritation and a burning sensation initially. This is usually a temporary side effect as your skin adjusts to the cream. If you want to minimize the burning sensation then you must start with a cream that contains glycolic acid in a lower concentration.  


Dryness and Peeling

Exfoliation is the key benefit of glycolic acid, it can sometimes cause dryness and peeling. To combat this, use a hydrating moisturizer to keep your skin sufficiently moisturized. 



Overuse of glycolic acid cream can lead to over-exfoliation. Consequently, this causes sensitivity, redness, and peeling. If you want to be on the safe side start with a lower concentration if you are new to glycolic acid. 


Glycolic Acid Cream Price in Pakistan 

The price of these creams across the country may varies depending on the brand, concentration (strength) of glycolic acid in the product, and the size of the container. 

A good quality cream price can range from Rs 1500- Rs 3500. The mentioned price range is an estimate of what one might expect to pay for a good quality Glycolic acid cream. 


Summing Up

AHA is one of the best skin care products. It offers numerous skincare benefits and can address skin concerns like hyperpigmentation, acne aging, and texture issues. However, it is important to be aware of the potential side effects and use the product as directed. With the right approach, glycolic acid cream can help you achieve your dream skin. You can get this cream on discounted prices from your nearest pharmacy.

About Author

Dr. Jawad is a practicing physician with extensive administrative experience, who has firsthand knowledge of running a medical practice and working in employed models. WoW Health aligns incentives for the healthcare ecosystem so all stakeholders benefit from transparent and direct relationship between patients and medical service providers.